Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bicycle Painting Ideas?

My next (and final) painting project for one of my courses is to be a subject matter of my choosing. The instructions are, "As long as it has a good concept, the sky's the limit." That leaves a lot of room for me to think, ponder, second-guess and so on. The initial idea I had was to go with something I'm currently experiencing and feeling, but I also have tucked away in the back of my head something related to bicycles. I really haven't done a bicycle painting, with the exception of a quick abstract sort of work almost a year ago, and it wasn't something I liked at all.
That project just became too crafty looking (not that I am against crafts, but that wasn't the point of this project), and since it was completed in just a couple of hours, it shows. Plus, it's really not identifiable. Anyway, so I'm attempting to come up with an idea that makes sense to me, and that will keep me motivated to complete the painting. Thoughts such as bikes=enlightenment or perhaps just having a sea of bikes keep coming to mind. The problem is, I'm not sure it will be viewed as art, but rather as some giant poster, or an idea that didn't materialize. I've also considered combining the bicycle thought with my prior idea, which centered more around the idea of invisibility, or disappearing into the masses. Something ala Carol Carter, like the one below.
*Image from watercolorcarol.blogspot.com
While I haven't completely concocted a good plan for this project, the wheels are turning, and I'm always up for suggestions.


  1. I can see how you'd use that Carol Carter painting as inspiration - it's great how the bikes just blend into the background. I really like art like that - it definitely has an Italian feel to it - reminds me of Cassi's trip photos (from the blog she bicycles).

  2. I agree, it does have that Italian feel to it. Plus, I love her new Globe Live (so jealous)!


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