
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fuzzy Wuzzy Was a Bear

Today, Levi got a much needed bath. When I dropped him off for his grooming appointment, I asked that they cut his hair as we go swimming quite a bit in the summer months. Plus, he's a warm blooded dog and gets hot when the temperature is about 50F degrees. Since our days have been getting into the mid-to-high 80s this past week, I figured it was time for the summer cut. When I arrived to pick the big boy up, they informed me that they had given him the "puppy cut," which apparently means that they cut all of the hair down to about an inch long, with the exception of the tail and face. I can't help but think of that silly kids rhyme: "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't really fuzzy then, was his?" He looks just like a bear now, and feels like the softest chenille throw. I can't seem to stop petting him - though he doesn't seem to mind.

This is what he looked like just yesterday...
And, this is what the big monkey boy is sporting today...
It's always interesting that it changes his look so much, and that he gets to be a lighter color because of the closer-to-the-root hair.  But, long hair,
or short...
he is such a cutie pie. And now, he's ready for those hot summer days, long swims, and bird stalking at the reservoir.


  1. He's really cute! Our neighbor has her dog's hair cut that way in the summer also, and it's always funny to see - strange how the "puppy cut" actually does seem to make dogs look like puppies - even when they are 10 like our neighbor's dog :)

  2. Traci, he is really enjoying having that hair gone. He even seems more spry, strange as that sounds. I love seeing him look like a puppy though b/c we adopted him at around 3yrs of age (give or take, as they really were just guessing) and never had the opportunity to experience puppydom with him.


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