
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Gone Fishin' {well... sort of}

The E.V.L. household (dogs and all!) has been on vacation for the last week.... and it has been fabulous!
My in-laws dog making himself comfy.
Though vacations are very rarely vacations for us (they usually consist of visiting family), this time away has been wonderful. We're actually still in California as I type, but we've moved to a different area than we've been visiting for most of the trip thus far. Though both Sam and I grew up in southern California, we have found ourselves realizing how many things we took for granted while living here. Things like the smell of the ocean, or even how the fruit aisle in the grocery store smells. I literally stood for a minute just inhaling the smell of plums, nectarines, and so on - something we just don't seem to experience in Colorado.

I think the pictures really tell the story of the sights we've been taking in, so I'll let them do my job for me.
Though fairly cloudy during much of our visit, the sites are still gorgeous!
Beautiful vegetation abounds!
Getting close to the ocean (and even in the water).
Awesome ocean views from my in-laws home!
Though Sam will be flying home in a few days to return to work, the dogs and I are staying to hang out with my side of the family a bit longer. This afternoon we had the opportunity to visit Morro Bay and walk around. It's such an interesting town and one that I frequented as a child and teenager. What I hadn't realized is that there's actually a reseller of Public Bicycles in Morro Bay. The shop is called Pedals and Paddles, and the owner is absolutely fabulous!
He was so friendly and helpful when Sam and I walked in, and let us take a couple of different models out for a spin. I have to say, those Public Bikes are pretty impressive (but more on that in another post at another time). If you're in the SLO area (San Luis Obispo for those non-locals), I'd highly recommend paying the shop a visit. They also rent/sell kayaks (perfect for Morro), and rent bicycles (non-Public brand) for people to see the area the way it should be seen.

Overall, the trip has been excellent so far, and we've enjoyed relaxing with the pooches and not having any responsibilities for the time being.

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