
Thursday, January 26, 2012

That Which Can Go Wrong...

I am just posting a venting session because today has just been frustrating. Please feel free to skip reading.

I woke up incredibly late this morning and missed out on class #1 because I just couldn't get to sleep last night, so I figured I'd take it as an opportunity to catch up on some other items and then leave in time for class #2. Why does waking up late put such a bad spin on the day? We have no food in the house because I haven't had time to go to the store, so breakfast consisted of a cutie orange that is long past its prime, and a bite of bagel (which was soon deemed only good enough for the pups who gladly took it from my hands.)

Anyway, I left plenty in advance, so as to not have to worry about being late. On the way to fill up the gas tank (something I had completely forgot I needed to do), a large metal chunk of God knows what comes flying at my car, fortunately low enough to avoid the windshield, but instead of it hitting the glass, I run over it because there wasn't enough time to avoid it. I hear some very loud, clanging-scraping sounds coming from beneath the car and I pray that I don't soon see fluids leaking (or an engine) coming out the rear of the car. The vehicle seems to have survived unscathed (though I haven't been brave enough to take a look underneath yet).

When I arrived to campus, there was absolutely no parking (ugh... why can't I ride a bike faster so I can just skip the car entirely on these days). I circled (literally) for 45 minutes hoping someone would pull out - anywhere. I missed class #2 because I couldn't find parking (a first for me). Yet another reason to despise being in a car, I suppose. (First world problems, I know - and I feel a bit ridiculous for complaining about no parking - but still adding to the frustration of the day.)

I figured I would use the time to check out REI (not far from campus) and pick up some painting supplies that I can't get at home. While walking into the art supply store I was stopped by what I presume was a homeless individual who wanted to know if I had "spare change." I politely responded that I did not, but what I really wanted to say was, "Spare change?! SPARE CHANGE? No, I don't have spare change! I'm tens of thousands of dollars in debt for an education that I can't even attend because there's no parking and people who live close enough to walk, don't take advantage of that opportunity!"
The day is just a little more than half over and I fear what is coming for me. I'm actually just sitting in the car, hoping that nothing else goes wrong before class #3. The sign above is posted where I sit. Will they really call for a tow for a person sitting in a vehicle? I don't really want to find out. While I realize the day hasn't been that bad, I'm such a wreck from lack of sleep and the few happenings, I'm not sure how much I can handle. Not to mention the thuggish, teenage boys that are about 20 feet away from me, pounding on the door of a business and screaming. Hmm... maybe time to move to a better location.


  1. Luckily you didn't fall asleep in your car and didn't get towed to the Wyatts fourrière at the other end of town (It's probably at the other end of town, yes ?) and were not asked to pay a 200$ fine just when you didn't have that amount in your wallet, which you'd forgot at home anyway, and would have to borrow from a friend, who would have taken two hours to find the place !

    (I can't understand how you don't have any food at home, though… maybe because I'm French.)

  2. Ah, one of those days. We all have them from time to time. Go to bed early tonight and repeat 3 times "Tommorow is going to be a brighter day". I don't function well without adequate sleep either. Could have never been an airline pilot.

  3. Strange how bad days seem to just roll downhill. Hope yours got better.

  4. Thanks to all for the well-wishes. I definitely survived to fight another day.

    Giles - I know it sounds strange to not have any food, but when I run out of time, food just seems to become a low priority item (which it should not be). Although, I think I could have easily been French because I am nearly positive I could survive on cheese and bread alone... and we'll throw in some fruit too. Seems balanced enough, doesn't it?

    LuckyChow99 - I am with you on sleep, and have a difficult time understanding how others survive on so little. I'm definitely not one of them.

    1. Seems balanced enough, doesn't it?
      I think… not really.

      I'd add greens and nuts every day, fish or sea food twice a week, meat or chicken once or twice a week (or more, depending on your energy expenditure of course, but I think meat at every meal or even every day is not necessary), one glass of red wine every day and… locally made ice cream (for fun) once in a while and chocolate once a month. But the two most important things in my view is never to eat if one isn't hungry and only buy 1st quality local food.

    2. I know one can't live on cheese/bread alone... but I can dream. Besides, I love a good salad way too much to give that up. I just have this image of sitting in a cafe, nibbling on fabulous cheese and bread, while taking in all the sights around (though I have never been to France, so perhaps it is merely a fictitious scenario I've created). :O)

  5. […] nibbling on fabulous cheese and bread, while taking in all the sights around […]

    You know you can do just that in the US ! Some cafés really have an “Old World” atmosphere. Places I know of where you can :

    Faneuil Market in Boston
    Lexington in Maine
    The Canal in San Antonio, Texas
    Delaware River in Pennsylvania (but bring your own cheese and bread)
    Evergreen Park in Washington at the end of March
    Fisherman's Warf in San Francisco
    Monticello in Virginia
    Mount Vernon in Virginia
    Nantucket in Maine
    The Old Town in Philadelphia
    Some streets with terraces in SoHo, New York
    Stowe in Vermont
    Tisbury on Martha's Vineyard Island

    1. Certainly, we can enjoy what is here in the U.S., and it's easy to forget that we have lovely places here as well. I've actually enjoyed a couple of places you've mentioned, as well as others. There's always the intrigue of a foreign country though. I just don't have the opportunity to travel nearly as often as I'd like... even within the U.S.

    2. The U.S. is a magnificent and very civilized country… contrary to what the popular media (and Hollywood) show us most of the time. I agree with you: the experience of a foreign country is invaluable but travel (I mean the hassle at airports, etc.) is becoming far less agreeable since 9/11.

      […] even within the U.S.
      We foreigners don't always realized how vast the U.S. is, that's true.


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