
Monday, January 30, 2012

Another New(er) Bike Shop: Fat Kitty Cycles

I will be the first to admit that the last thing Boulder is in need of is another bike shop. I often wonder how they are all able to survive, but each seems to find their little niche for the area and battle it out to decide which is the "best" in town. The latest to join the group? Fat Kitty Cycles. While they've actually been in business now for several months, I was interested to learn that this shop is kind of a little bit of everything. They sell both new and used bikes, provide service for bicycles, and also have classes on various topics to help out in the bike community. I also love that they do consignment of bicycles (goodness knows, this could come in handy for a person like me who seems to try, try again with various models) with a really fair split based on the bike sale price.
For locals looking to check out the shop, they are located on Arapahoe between Foothills Parkway and 30th. Unfortunately, I have yet to pay the shop a visit, but if anyone reading has had the opportunity to stop by, I'd love to hear more. The bulk of the bike re-selling business seems to be done via Craigslist, but they also have regular shop hours. I suppose I am attempting to decipher what the benefit is of consigning with the shop if their advertising is a Craigslist ad that anyone could really post? Having a store front though is undoubtedly beneficial to those perusing local spots for his/her next bicycle, so perhaps it would be worth a go for the exposure and possibly a quicker sale. I'm definitely interested to check out this spot to see what they have to offer. Anyone else finding new bike shops in your area that are different or interesting?

1 comment:

  1. It's a cool Idea for a shop, I would prefer one in "our town", but it's not too far away..


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