
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

OMG!!! We have a house!

HOLY smokes (ha... I'm laughing aloud as the sky is actually smoky at the moment - and yes, I laugh at my own stupid puns)! It feels as though it's taken a year to find a place. It may seem like a crazy statement because we've only been in Oregon since mid-June (well, Sam's been here since the end of May), but living in a very small space (less than 30 sf) and having to move every 7-14 days, has made time seem to drag on. We weren't sure we were going to get here, but after being under contract for almost two months, canceling the purchase, and then coming back to the same house, we have finally closed and have keys.

Our first day of truly getting to spend time in the house without someone hovering over us, we took the opportunity to do some work that needed to be done as quickly as possible (e.g. removing the absolutely disgusting carpet -- side note: please don't ever feed pets by opening the food and spreading it all over the carpet - it's truly disgusting and unnecessary as dog bowls are plentiful and are readily available, sometimes even free). We were pleasantly surprised to find original wood beneath all of the carpet, even upstairs (which was likely originally only used as an attic space, so we weren't sure what we'd find), so that has, hopefully, saved us money. Time, well, that may actually be a bigger cost as the wood is mostly painted, and apparently painted multiple times, so I'm going to need to do some work to see what the best method for finishing them will be. My guess at the moment is that they'll end up getting painted again, but I don't object to seeing if it's possible to actually stain the wood.

Anyway, lest I carry off down the path of rambling on about what we may or may not do to the house, I will stop that tangent here, adding simply that although I am grateful to have a new home, I am overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done. 

I did get to take my first ride in Bend yesterday, which was pretty exciting. In the weeks/months we've been here, I have been unable to actually ride in the city, so it was nice to get out for a bit. Granted, it was a very short ride, but right now, I'll take what I can get. I have a feeling that short rides are going to become normal for quite awhile. 

B-dog seems to have taken rather quickly to the new house, so we're grateful for that, too. She's enjoying exploring (as we have been doing), figuring out who to bark at (she loves people, but she is definitely protective of home and there are a lot of walkers/joggers/cyclists who pass by the front of the house) and where the best spots are to fetch, swim, and lay in the sun.

We've been working different muscles since arriving in Oregon, spending a lot more time on foot, so it will be interesting to see if the return to wheels will be quicker than anticipated or if we'll remain primarily on foot for a bit. Either way, it's nice to feel like we're on our way to settling and it is definitely good to know that we won't have to move all the time.


  1. GE what a welcome change! I am so excited for your family that you have place to call home.

    1. Thanks, Annie! We are happy to not have to be moving around constantly and hoping that another whole-house renovation doesn't kill us. :)

    2. Yeah, the house renovations are tough. We did it with our first two houses and didn't have the energy for the third house. We haven't hung photos and we've lived here over a year!

    3. Ha! I feel you on that matter. I'm sure you'll do the photo-hanging when you're ready. I'm kind of enjoying an empty house, honestly. Maybe we'll keep it this way. :)

  2. Yay congrats!!! Even though it needs work, it's good to feel settled.

    1. Thanks, Trudee! The work will be plentiful, but trying to take it a bite at a time. :)

      Congrats to you on the Triple this weekend and the Ironman!! So impressed, particularly because you had to endure all the smoke.

  3. Congratulations on this bit of good news! I hope you like your new home!

    1. Thanks, MG! Yes, grateful to have a place and hopeful that the renovations will be smooth and not too time-consuming. :)

      Hope you are doing well!!

  4. They say. I'm sure you know who "they" are. They say, it takes around 15 years to get your home just the way you like it. You will also find that those 15 years pass in the blink of an eye.

    But....if you have a spouse like mine....change that 15 year timeline to at least 38. We are at 38 and still changing things. :>)

    1. I WISH it would take us 15 years... that would take a lot of stress off! :) We (fortunately or unfortunately), are insane people when it comes to making home, home. We feel this (unwarranted) pressure to get it done. I think in some sense it's because we feel like then we can do the things we want to be doing if home feels like home, if that makes any sense.

      I do think that there are always things we (just generally speaking) want to change/update/correct/etc though, so I believe you are quite correct in saying that the job of making home is a never-ending chore. :)


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