
Monday, June 3, 2019

Blog Move

In not very EVL-like behavior, I'm going to keep this short. I have decided to no longer post here on Blogger. Never fear though, there will be a new spot to find me... If you follow me on Twitter, you may have already received this news, but just in case, I want to be sure there is a record of the change for those of you who look for me here. I have tried to be patient with this platform, but it seems as though there are always issues with commenting, posts disappearing, and other reasons I won't bore anyone with at this point.

So, it's time for a change.

Although I intend to leave prior posts up here on Blogger, they have also been imported in to the new site on Wordpress. It may take a bit to get things in order, but I hope you will follow me there as I change things up just a bit. Thank you so much for continuing to be a part of this blogging journey and for sharing your bikey experiences with me and those who read here. I look forward to hearing from you over at the new blog site!

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