
Sunday, December 25, 2016

Happy Holidays to All!

It's kind of fun when Hannukah, Christmas and Kwanzaa all coincide time-wise on the calendar. Starting December 24, 25, and 26th respectively, it truly feels appropriate to wish a happy holiday season to everyone today. Even if you celebrate Festivus or Winter Solstice...or no particular holiday at all, these holidays coming around the same time of year seem to bring out (mostly) good in humanity. It's a lovely thing to observe.

A week and a half ago, we were told locally to expect a big snow storm on the 24th carrying through the 25th. By the early part of this week though, the storm seemed to have vanished off the radar and there would be no snow at all (outside of the mountains anyway) anytime in the near future.

But, as we stood looking from our front window out onto barren trees and sticks that were formerly bushes this morning, snow flakes began to fall. At first we thought it was just passing by with a few flurries, but it began to get stronger and the powder started to stick. 

Sam's first thought: "We need to go on a fat bike ride!" And so, we did. It wasn't a particularly long ride, and not nearly as cold as I'd expected (though much windier than I'd have preferred), but it was so much fun.
Wishing you and yours a lovely season and hoping you get to go on many enjoyable bike rides, no matter what the weather. Happy Holidays to everyone who reads here. Stay safe, keep warm, and enjoy.


  1. Happy Holidays to you as well! It's great to get out early in the morning on a holiday; there are practically no cars out, and everyone you meet is in a good mood. Well, at least they were this morning here in California. :)

    1. I think I enjoyed the missing cars most of all! :) In fact, Sam said, "The city is so nice when there aren't any cars out. Of course, I suppose any city would be nice without all the cars." Even with the strong winds, it was somehow very peaceful.

  2. Happy Christmas/Yule/Hanukkah to you and I envy your fat bike ride. Been looking at that Surly ice cream truck but it doesn't snow where I am. I did get out and ride. It was a nice day.

    1. Glad you were able to ride. The ICT looks like an exceptional ride, but I understand it can be difficult to justify when there isn't snow... still, many are using them for mountain bike rides without snow, so perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea? :)

  3. Happy holidays! I always enjoy cold rides more than I expect to. It doesn't take long to warm up and be comfortable so long as I have a good system for my hands, feet, and face. It looks like you had lots of fun!

    1. Agreed. I generally expect I'll be miserable, but usually (assuming that I've prepared with proper attire), cooler, dare I say even cold rides, can be quite fun! And, I think I've figured out the cold hands (finally), but I'll have to test on a truly cold day (25-30F isn't quite cold enough to know if the solution will really work).

      Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

    2. Oh, I need to hear more about this solution after you test it. I really struggle with keeping my hands warm!

    3. I think cold hands is universal (at least it seems that way). I will definitely share after more testing.


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