
Friday, September 30, 2016

It's Not You, It's Blogger

Just a quick note. It seems that Blogger is having a major issue that started yesterday and has knocked out a lot of blog-roll lists. I did not remove this feature, so I apologize if anyone uses this as a means to keep up to date on reading other blogs.

If you were on the list and are now not, or if you can help me recall any of the missing blogs (or if you weren't on the roll but would like to be added), please let me know because I cannot recall many of the blogs that were there and I stupidly did not keep links anywhere beyond that list. There are a handful that I was able to recall, but I'm sure it's going to take a bit to get them all back.

Thanks for your patience (and in advance for your assistance with getting things back where they belong)!


  1. Ah yes, I encountered the same thing! I am slowly adding my links back also. I almost jumped ship to Wordpress because this is the feature that I would really miss had I changed platforms. For now, it's easier to add blogs back one at a time and an opportunity to cull the ones that no longer keep current.

    1. It's quite frustrating, Annie, but I agree that it's easier to re-add than to switch hosts at this point.

  2. All looks good now -- whew! Among other things, your blog is my "portal" to all things bicycling on this here innerwebbie...

    1. :) Sorry for the temporary issues. Hopefully, all will remain in place.


I believe that comment issues when posting have been resolved; however, I recommend copying your comment before sending it through to make sure that Blogger doesn't eat your comment. If you still have problems, please feel free to email your comment and I will gladly post it for you either with your name or anonymously (whichever you prefer). Thank you.