
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

One Week Down...

The first week of my non-training rides hasn't gone very well. Right after I signed up for the Strava challenge, we had a huge shift in weather. Not only were we blessed with several inches of snow, but the temperatures were struggling for several days to rise just above zero. Generally, after we have a big snowfall, the sun follows and, even if it stays cold, having the sunlight seems to quickly melt most of the snow on the ground. That hasn't exactly happened with this round. In addition, I fell ill with a wretched stomach flu which has left me house-bound for a few days. The combination hasn't made for the most ideal situation in regard to getting in January saddle time.
As of this morning, it doesn't look too bad as far as depth, but the snow's still not melting as quickly as I'd prefer.
I miss being outside! I miss doing things that aren't in the confines of a small house. I am so in awe of folks who manage to get in their time, despite the frigid temperatures, ice on the ground, and so on.
My total mileage thus far is a mere 47 km (that's not even 30 miles), which isn't much, considering I have just over three weeks left of the challenge. I'm trying to cut myself a bit of slack, knowing that I haven't been able to sit up for more than a few minutes, let alone actually get out on a bicycle, but it's not easy when I desperately want to be active.

Despite the setbacks, I have enjoyed the time I have found myself riding this month. I have been pleased to find myself lost in thought, as I ramble toward my destination on two wheels. I am reminded that motorists seem (at least on the whole) to be a bit more tolerant and patient with me on a bike this time of year, and sadly, cyclists seem to be a bit more grumpy (unfortunately) - or at least those I seem to encounter. It has been cold, but I am slowly learning to perfect the layers so that I don't need to constantly remove pieces, or find myself freezing because I wasn't prepared. Now, if I can just get through this flu, I think I'll be ready to get back to it! If you set a goal or challenge for early 2014, how are things going for you?


  1. The flu is tough! Take your time.

    1. Thanks...I am trying to come back slowly (not an easy thing for me). :O) Hopefully, winter is being kind to you in your neck of the woods.

  2. Weather's been sh*t lately. I don't think I've done a proper ride since New Year's Eve (day).

    1. No kidding. I am ready for the sun to return, definitely.

  3. I'm right there with you. I signed up for a challenge to commute as much as possible in 2014, but my last ride was Dec. 31. I haven't commuted a single time in 2014, and I haven't even been out for fun ride yet. We had a beautiful New Year's Day, but I went on a hike with my spouse and dog instead of a ride (no regrets there). The next day I developed a nasty head cold and resolved to take a few days off to recover. Then the weather turned to single digits, and I'm just not equipped for that. Tomorrow looks promising though!

    With luck, we'll both be back on the bike in no time!

    1. Glad you're enjoying the new year, even if it isn't on a bike... but, I definitely hope to be back on two wheels soon. Definitely missing it. :O)


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