
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Half Way through a 30-day Cycling Challenge

As of today, I am more than half way through my January cycling challenge. If only I were more than half way (or even half way) through the mileage I was supposed to have covered by this time! I got off to a rough start with weather (mostly the ice that wouldn't melt after snow and some super-cold temperatures), but I'm hoping that the rest of the month will be kind to me and even if I have to endure cold weather, I'm hoping to not have to deal with ice on the roads. I've completed just under 75 miles (or about 120 km) to this very moment, so I have been riding, but just not nearly as much as I had hoped. It comes out to about 5 miles a day if I average it all out, so I definitely need to make up some distance - and soon. Honestly though, I am okay with whatever happens; even if I don't quite hit the half way mark before the end of the month.
Stopped for a moment to check out our destroyed trail system (if you look closely, you can see remnants of the trail in pieces next to the water). The estimated time for repair is somewhere in the vicinity of 1-2 years, unfortunately.
Despite my lack of mileage, I have to say I've enjoyed the challenge. Particularly, I find it enjoyable because I know that my "challenge" is to see if I can do the mileage without making any of the rides training rides. Knowing that the miles need to come specifically from errands or joy rides makes the goal that much sweeter. I have to admit though, it's been a bit strange to always have my GPS device on the bike because, at least generally speaking, I tend not to clock every bike ride I go on throughout the day or week. I truly want to see what's possible though in the midst of winter, the cold, and the iffy street conditions when a person is just going about life and not looking to train for an event.

It's also nice to be able to stop and take in a view when I choose. So often I find that I am very purposeful in my cycling and I am focused on the end result, rather than just enjoying the ride. I think this challenge is allowing me to take a step back and remember what I have loved about riding a bike - which has absolutely nothing to do with how fast I can go, how far I can travel, or how many hills I can (or can't) climb. Plus, call me crazy, but I think cars are nicer to me when I'm riding a bike with a basket.

How is winter cycling where you live? Have you stayed indoors, or ventured out into the elements?


  1. Good for you!! Glad you're embracing the elements and meeting your goals to boot. I ventured out this past weekend too. I took photo's of my Schwinn restoration at the nearby park. It was a beautiful weekend though and we actually got to high 50's.

    1. Nice! I'd love to see photos of your Schwinn. Sounds like a fun project... and, you got to be out on your bike for a bit, so I'm sure it was that much better. :O)

    2. Your wish is my command, my Lady!!

    3. LOVE it! Did you have it painted, or was it in that great of shape? It looks beautiful...obviously, a labor of love. I keep pondering an old resto, but never seem to find the right one. One of these days... :O)

  2. I've been doing my commute to work a couple times a week still. Here a blog post about Nashville biking!

    1. Love the "bike ninja" photo! :O) Sometimes it feels that way when it's so cold, doesn't it? Hang in there... we'll be through the cold-cold before too long (at least I hope!).

  3. I had a rough start too. Between the cold temperatures and a head cold, i was pretty far into January before I rode at all. I started commuting last week, though, so I'm now up to 50 miles. The time off the bike reminded me of how much joy pedaling brings me. I agree about slowing down and taking it all in. Where did we get the idea that a computer can measure a good ride?

    1. There seems to be quite a few cold and flu's going around right now. Hopefully you are feeling better now. Slowing down - in many aspects of life - seems to be beneficial. Glad to hear you're enjoying your January cycling as well!


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