
Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Cycling Thanksgiving!

During a holiday that is so often passed over with little if any attention, I spotted a yard the other day full of Thanksgiving decorations, including a giant, air-filled turkey, and I couldn't help but smile. It might seem a little ridiculous, but it was a pleasant surprise to see a family putting in so much effort for a day of giving thanks, rather than jumping immediately into the holiday that follows. It's quite easy for me to skip over this entire time of year without much thought sometimes, so I was reminded to take a moment to be grateful for all that I have been blessed with in life, and particularly during this past year.
*Image here
In no particular order, a few of the many, many things I am so thankful for:

- An online cycling community that allows me to share my random thoughts, and offers feedback and ideas of its own (as a group, as well as on an individual level)

- Warm, wool clothing that helps regulate body temperature during a time of year that can go from fairly warm to well below freezing temperatures

- My bicycles (of course), that keep me wandering year-round

- The house bicycle mechanic (aka Sam), without whom I would no doubt be spending hundreds (dare I say, thousands) of dollars on maintenance, repairs and random part swap-outs

- A healthy, capable body that allows me to continue to pursue all of the activities I enjoy

I hope this holiday finds you enjoying the company of those you love! A very happy Thanksgiving to you and the special people in your life.


  1. Happy Holidays. May the road rise with you.

  2. Thankful:

    -For a kind, caring, beautiful better half, who embraces being a "wrecking ball" (thanks for the lyrics Miley)
    -For crazy family, including ones with 4 legs.

    -For the body I have, that has accepted the punishment, purposeful or not, and allowing me to survive a scare.

    -For our home, to which we nearly left.


    -possibly everything else, including being warm, without a frozen winter project!.... I'm driving him today.

    1. Ah...I do enjoy being a wrecking ball. So glad you made it through the scare too! :O)


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