
Monday, May 27, 2013

Rivendell Bicycle Works San Francisco Pop-Up Location (June 1-9)

Every couple of weeks (or so), I get the standard release e-mail's from RBW (aka Rivendell) that are sent to those who have subscribed to their updates. I enjoy reading them (and they are far from "standard" for most bike shops) - even if I'm not looking for any parts/bikes in particular. I simply find them amusing in and of themselves (if you haven't subscribed, I think it's worthwhile - plus you get a heads up on discounted items... bonus!). In one of the more recent e-mail's there was talk about an SF pop-up location coming in June, and since we're almost there now, it seems only fitting to spread the word to those who aren't aware and will be in the area (or can make a trip out) to see this temporary location. Additionally, to those who can make it by this pop-up spot, there is word of coupons being given out - that's right, coupons - and some other items I'll get to shortly. Mental note:  Hmm... wonder if I can plan a trip out conveniently in the next week or so.
*Image from RBW
Anyone who reads here regularly knows how much I love my Rivendell bicycles. They are the lifeblood of my riding, and some days I wonder how I ever got along without them. I love that they are easy to ride, comfortable, and work for just about any type of riding (and really, any type of riding unless I'm trying to race - and beat - someone on a lightweight road bike). It's hard not to want to share about an event for a company and product that I've truly enjoyed. If you've wanted to check them out in person, this may just be the time to do so.

Although I hate to do it, I'm going to start with the bad news (all good things must have a small bit of bad, I suppose)... there will be no test rides available at this location, except the 71cm Homer, which will require at least a 100cm PBH (which, I suppose, leaves me out - bummer - but thankfully, I have my own, in a hobbit size, of course). Riv has stated that it would just be too difficult to deal with what they hope will be a lot of foot traffic (you are, however, welcome to visit their usual spot in Walnut Creek if you'd like to test a bike out, but they will likely be low on stock/staff there since they'll be bringing much of it to this new location; and while I've never tried it myself, I hear the distance is an easy BART ride from the city). The only other possible hiccup looks to be parking for cars (bike parking should be ample). Which, I think just about ends the bad news. Everything else seems pretty exciting, at least as far as I'm concerned.

For starters, where is this pop-up anyway? It will be located in the Mission District, near Shotwell and three blocks from the 24th and Mission BART Station.
Exact address: 3156 24th Street, San Francisco, CA (the space is run by Asterisk Magazine, if you are familiar with the area).
Days/Hours: June 1-9, from 12PM-7PM.

What exactly is going to happen in this location? Well, opening day, Saturday, June 1, sounds to be exciting! It is rumored that there may just be a give-away that day (at 5PM)... but don't tell anyone I gave away a secret (okay, it's not really a secret - but it seems like something that should be). If you can't make it out for opening day, never fear! There will be lots more to see (both that day and the other 8 days), such as discounted items available only to those there in person, free schwag, and a "super-have-to-be-there-to-get-it-super-deal." They will have bicycles to see and touch, bags, handlebars, small items for sale, brochures, discounted posters, and an espresso machine to keep you caffeinated, too.
*Image from RBW
If all goes well with this pop-up, Riv may extend their stay a bit (but definitely don't count on it, as you don't want to miss out on the deals and giveaway). When asked if RBW would be opening a permanent location in San Francisco, Grant states, "Probably not right away, but we're looking into an Alamo store, and if that isn't a money pit, if we can work out some bugs in it, we'd look at other locations. The tough part is staffing it. We don't want regular people." No regular people, eh, Mr. Petersen? I'm pretty irregular, and I've always wanted to work in a bike shop. :O) The commute might be a bit rough from Colorado, and I'm basically mechanically inept, but I laugh and smile a lot... and love bicycles!

But enough of my sad attempt to solicit a job... Hopefully, many, many people will make it out to support this exciting adventure for Rivendell, and maybe even win something super cool. Help spread the word... especially if you're in the San Francisco area. I hope to join you there - if I can wiggle my way into a super-cheap flight out to Cali.

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