
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Win for Giving: Your Help with Riding Venus de Miles

Well, I have allowed all of your thoughts and ideas to sink in over the last couple of days, and decided to go ahead and participate in the Venus de Miles ride... and, I'm going to do the 51 mile ride (who talked me into this again?).  The purpose of the ride is to raise funds for Greenhouse Scholars, a worthy cause that assists under-resourced, high-achieving students on a variety of levels. At the moment, I have set an incredibly low monetary goal for my fundraising because I know I'm getting a late start, but I thought perhaps there might be someone (or multiple someones) out in the blogosphere who'd be willing to help out with a buck or two, and who knows? I could surpass that goal. Anyway, this gave me an idea...
*Image from Pinterest

Sometimes having an exchange or prize is a nice motivator for people to give, so I thought perhaps setting up a chance for a prize might help push someone to make the leap to donate to a great cause. Here are two possible ways you could win.

Option 1) Donate an amount from $1 and up to Greenhouse Scholars through my personal Venus de Miles page before August 25, 2012 at midnight MST and you will be entered into a random drawing to win your choice of a 1-year subscription to one bicycle magazine of your choosing (Urban Velo, Bicycle Times, Bicycling, Momentum, Bicycle Quarterly) OR your choice of one of the remaining pigeon paintings shown on Etsy. So, if there is only one person who donates, you will definitely be the winner of your choice of prize, and if there are more donations, you still have a really good shot at a prize anyway... and, you'll feel really great about giving to a good cause, even if you don't win a prize. This category will have only one winner.

Option 2) Donate $75 or more to Greenhouse Scholars through my Venus de Miles page before August 25, 2012 at midnight MST and you will automatically win your choice of a 1-year subscription to one bicycle magazine of your choosing (Urban Velo, Bicycle Times, Bicycling, Momentum, Bicycle Quarterly) OR your choice of one of the remaining pigeon paintings shown onEtsy. This category could have multiple winners, depending on how many choose this route.

In order to win one of the prizes you will need to have a U.S. mailing address, and shipping costs (if you should choose the painting) will be covered as well. If you live outside of the U.S. and would still like to donate, you will have my sincerest gratitude, but unfortunately, it has become quite a pain to ship internationally, so I apologize that I cannot include you in the giveaway. Should an individual decide to donate $75 or more, please email your choice of prize, as well as complete mailing information to endlessvelolove {at} Because there is only one of each painting, whomever donates first will have first selection (if multiple individuals should make that choice).  Please note that I cannot control the potential sale of your choice of paintings (if that is your selection), so please let me know A.S.A.P if you donate $75 so I can take your choice off the market. If you would prefer not to receive a prize at all, please let me know that as well. The random drawing for option 1 will take place before the end of August 2012, and will be announced here on Endless Velo Love. The drawing will either be done through a randomizer online, or with a good 'ole fashion drawing a name out of a hat (which will likely be determined based on the number of donations).

In case you missed the link above to donate, you can find it by clicking here. Please note that donations can be made through credit cards, EFT, or through Paypal on the donation page. I thank you so very much in advance for any kind of support you can offer, and please wish me luck as I attempt to climb in just a few weeks!


  1. I am so excited and proud of you for making this decision. I'm happy to donate to the cause (I don't need a prize, though) and spread the word of your fundraising farther afield.

    1. Thank you so much, Melanie! I'm not sure what possessed me to go for it, but hopefully it will be a great ride. I figured that it's not a race, so I can take my time and even if I'm slow, I think I can make it through. Thanks for spreading the word about fundraising - and of course, thank you so very much for any donation... you are wonderful. :O)

  2. My inner devil's advocate insists I point out that the Anne Frank quote, while a pretty sentiment, is not actually true (for example, see Jan Schlichtmann after Woburn,

    Hope you have fun at the race!

    1. Of course... you should always play devil's advocate! :O) Thank you for the well wishes, too.


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