
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day

Sam and I are on our southern California portion of the trip at this point, and we are fortunate to be staying at his parents' home, who just so happen to have some pretty incredible views of the Pacific Ocean from the back deck. I have repeated more than once, "I could live like this." I am perfectly content to sit in the mid-70s weather, take in the views and absorb the sun in sub-triple digit temperatures. Alas, vacation is vacation because we get to visit places like this, not because we live in such locations... or so the theory goes.
Wind spinner found here
We will celebrate our country's independence in a beautiful spot, surrounded by family and friends, and I feel very fortunate to be here. Wherever you happen to find yourself (for those in the U.S.), I wish you a very happy Independence Day. Enjoy, and be safe out there.

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