
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Planting a Garden - The Vegetable Variety

Over the last decade or so, vegetable planting and gardening seems to be a trend resurfacing in families who don't necessarily live on farms. Although I hate to call food a "trend" it does seem that growing ones own crops has become rather popular of late. That's why when we decided we would give it a try, I couldn't help but think that others might perceive this as a trendy thing to do, rather than a practical activity.
The reality is that we have a small space in our yard that gets sun pretty much all day long, and it's ideal for plants requiring 6-8 + hours of steady sunlight. When we made the realization that we could both utilize some of the yard with plants that would actually grow and potentially use it to both save money and prevent some market visits, I was pretty excited - trends be damned. I should also say that I am not a farmer, nor a gardner, nor am I really able to keep much alive that requires attention (sans the dogs, of course - and this is likely due only to the fact that they will not allow me to forget about them). What would possess such a person to think she is a capable vegetable gardener? I'm not sure I really have an answer, but am looking forward to the adventure.
Maybe I am getting old, slowing down, or realizing that there are better things to do in life, but I am actually giddy about the idea of watering and taking care of something in the yard (hopefully, my mom isn't reading this because she will think someone has invaded my body because I was the kid who avoided yard work at all costs). Trying to figure out the types of food that will grow easily in the clay-like soil of the area has been rather interesting, and determining ways to keep my four-legged kiddos out of the garden is interesting as well. We've purchased some half whiskey barrels, but are thinking perhaps a small fenced area would be better. There are actually many areas in which we could use the barrels in the yard, so I'm not entirely certain what we should do. Any gardner's out there with thoughts on the matter, please feel free to offer your tips, thoughts, suggestions, and etc.


  1. I am not a gardener and, despite growing up on a farm, I do not play one on the internet. However, some neighbors have had success with raised bed gardens. Not only will this allow you to fill a spot with good soil and give your plants something other than clay to grow in (we've got clay just under the topsoil, too), but it will be easier on your back as you tend to your greens (and reds and yellows or whatever you plant). It may help keep the pooches from playing in the beds and a little bit of snow fence might keep veggie predators at bay.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts, Melanie. I've also heard that raised beds might be the way to go, so that may very well be the direction we are heading. It will be interesting to see how a garden fares because we do have foxes, raccoons, and other critters that roam the area... and certainly a small fence of some sort probably makes sense.

  2. Sounds like a good spot for tomatoes. They love lots of sunlight and water.


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