
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's the Final Countdown!

{Is anyone else now singing like me?}
This is just a quick post to say that I have ONE - that's right, you read correctly - one day left of finals and then - well, then I suppose life will continue on as it was before, except that I can say I finished my degree. Hard to believe it's all coming to an end, but pretty exciting as well.

I just wanted to say that I do have a few posts lined up, but because I've had an insane amount of work to get wrapped up this week, I haven't had an opportunity to take photos, so as soon as I can get those taken, there will actually be something to read here that isn't 1) me complaining about lack of sleep or too much work, or 2) just a reminder that I'm still alive. My dearest Sam said he keeps refreshing the page because he knows I've been writing in between projects but never sees anything new... well, dear Sam (and anyone else who hasn't lost interest during my hiatus), I promise the posts are coming, but I think pictures always make things better. Perhaps this is because I'm such a visual person, but I doubt an extra day or two will be too much for anyone to handle.

Thank you to everyone for enduring the last four months with me. I hope to have somewhat of a normal schedule again going here in the next week or so, and I'm looking forward to it.


  1. Congratulations on almost being done! Looking forward to hearing more about your bikey adventures when you have a moment to come up for air.

  2. Congratulations! I imagine you'll feel so relieved.

  3. Thanks for the earworm. :p

    WHOO HOO for the final day of finals!!! I hope you have a happy celebration scheduled. =)

  4. Thanks to all for your well wishes. The final day was great, full of relief, and a little sad (to say goodbye to some people I've grown close to/fond of). Now I have a week to wait for final grades, but from what I can tell, there's no reason not to celebrate.

    Oh, and Melanie, you are so very welcome for the ear worm. :O) I'm still singing it today, so I kind of did myself in!

  5. It's been stuck in my head all day.... ug


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