
Thursday, March 8, 2012

An Explanation of the Recent Lack of Writing (sort of)

Anyone like to guess how many posts I've started over the last month and not completed? Let's just say that there are quite a few, but not one of them is to a point of readiness... and so, the blog sits. Dated. Uninteresting. Sigh.

Because I still can't quite finish any of the posts, I thought I would start one that I can actually wrap up quickly, so that it doesn't appear that I've completely abandoned ship. I should first say that, sadly, I've experienced on-and-off flu symptoms since Christmas. I so rarely get sick, and somehow in such a short stretch of time, I've become a poster child for the ill. I don't know if it's the stress of this final semester, or the fact that I started taking a multi-vitamin (oddly, all the illness seems to coincide with the start of this routine, though I realize it sounds insane to blame it on vitamins), but I haven't enjoyed it one bit. The current iteration of illness has me dealing with bronchitis. Fun. The cough? Definitely not enjoyable. The sleepless nights (because of the cough)? Less enjoyable.

In all of this, I've lost the ability to breathe very well, which has taken a toll on my ability to ride my bike(s). It takes just about everything in me to walk from one side of the house to the other, and by the time I get there, I'm huffing and desperately trying to catch my breath. You can imagine that riding a bike is even worse. I did take one out around the block over the weekend (literally, around the block) and it felt so wonderful to be on a bicycle again, so after my little taste, I'm looking forward to a speedy recovery (now that I have antibiotics - I'm very stubborn about going to the doctor), so that I can be out on the bike again in the very near future.

In bike related news, the Bella Ciao made it to her new home, though not completely unharmed. I swear, if I ever find out the hub between here and the Illinois/Michigan area that brutalizes bike boxes, there will be hell to pay. While she's apparently still rideable, there was unnecessary damage inflicted that just infuriates me... particularly knowing how well the bike was packed. I do hope that there will be many happy years of riding her, however, and I'm thrilled that she's in a happy place where she'll get more regular use.

I wrote at the first part of the year about my intention to mold this space into something a little different. At that point, I thought perhaps I would document rides frequently and put up more photos than actual ramblings. Obviously, that has not happened. As I've watched the bike blogs slowly dropping off, I can't help but become a little saddened. Particularly when they are blogs that I enjoy reading regularly. This space started out as simply an area for me to vent, and while I don't wish to have this turn into a whining place, I think there are legitimate topics that can be discussed that don't always center around bikes. As most people do, I have my hands in many things, or at times, not much at all. I love to share our tales of bike project successes and failures, but truth be told, there is often more interest and excitement outside of my two-wheel love. So, what's a girl woman {I'm trying desperately to stop saying "girl" when referring to grown women} to do?

The only way I know to keep myself interested and active is to expand the information shared here, and so to you, dear reader, I share this information now because changes, they are a-coming. Why not just start writing whatever is on my mind instead of sharing this with you first? Most importantly, I realize that there are some {perhaps most} reading who are specifically looking for bicycle-relevant information. I feel it's only fair to give you warning. While I definitely intend to still write about bicycle happenings, I sense that the topics will be diverging possibly into other areas. What will I write about? While I don't intend to overwhelm the space with art information, it is of interest to me, and I think it's good to be able to share. Of course, much of that information will likely be for locals. I would also like to discuss more general life topics - really, anything that catches my eye/attention. I'm also pondering a name change for the blog with all of this because it seems a little silly to keep a name that isn't all encompassing. I've toyed with a few ideas, but time will tell what ultimately becomes of that decision. It may very well stay the same and folks will just need to ignore the subjects that aren't of interest to them.

In all of this, I suppose I just want to be upfront about how I'm feeling and where I see things going. I appreciate every person who takes the time to read this space, as well as those who offer thoughts in the form of comments and e-mails. I hope that your participation will continue to be plentiful, but I also understand those who are looking for specific information as well. If you find that it's time to part ways, I of course understand, but hopefully this will keep me more regularly engaged. As always, happy riding!


  1. It's a fact that there's only just so much one can say about bicycle and keep being original. There must be 500 bicycle blogs and while it is sometimes interesting to learn that so-and-so traveled to Paris or Amsterdam or New Zealand on his/her bicycle… Well, we've all been to those places (well… maybe not to New Zealand, but still). As for opinions on bicycle safety or lack thereof, bicycle gear, bicycle locks… there are specialized sites where one can learn all about that.

    In other words, cycling is a way of life (or part of a "more conscientious" way of life that driving to the corner store) and while I guess I'd still be interested to read about your bicycles or your cycling experience or bicycle technicalities occasionally it would much more interesting for me to read what you think about American politics, American art, culture, way of life, values and other topics… as a Cyclist, i.e. because a cyclist must have a different point of view on these topics from, say, someone who is not interested in — or against — cycling.

    (I hope all this is clear… I think what I mean is: cycling doesn't define a person, but a person who loves bicycles must be more interesting than one who does not, because his/her outlook is more civilized.)

    1. Thanks, Giles. I agree that there is, at least for most of us, a finite amount of information to provide on bicycles. I am excited about the possibilities and am interested to see if this "plan" will keep me more involved in the blog - at least more regularly when my schedule calms in a couple of months. Politics? I've never been horribly pushy with political views, but that could be a fun area to attempt to cover, at least on occasion. :O) We'll see where this all goes, I'm sure.

    2. I didn't mean partisan politics of course... Get well soon.

  2. Please get well soon. I enjoy you blog, frankness and humor ----- regardless if it's bike talk or not.

    1. Thanks, LuckyChow! I'm doing my best. The antibiotics don't seem to be helping, but it's been a rather nasty bugger, so I'm hoping that there will be light at the end of the tunnel very soon.

  3. please, I just found your blog, do not stop writing! I hope you have a speedy recovery and get back to the bike, cause I am! I have been on a hiatus lately from bike-bloggin b.c of winter, I'm learning to not be so hard on myself..things happen! Most of the time for a reason, to be your best you need to take care of yourself!

    again, I hope you keep writing, i'll be catching up on all your older posts now :)

    CD x

    1. Hi CD! I'm glad you stumbled upon the blog. My intention is to keep writing, but I think there might be some slight adjustments along the way. Time will tell what happens, but I hope to keep going with whatever seems appropriate. :O)

      By the way, I actually saw your photo in the new issue of Urban Velo. You look awesome! I remember thinking, "she looks adorable and happy to be riding," so I'm glad you took the time to share with the magazine.

    2. o wow thats so cool!!! thanks so much! Im glad your back on your wheels, and just as long as you do what makes you happy!!



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