
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Random Giveaway #3: Winter Time Vacation City

I hope others are enjoying these random giveaways. I know that I'm finding responses quite interesting and often entertaining as well, which just adds to the joy this season.

I thought it might be fun to do a little mix-up this round with the gift. Just as the random generator pulls the winning name for the giveaway, for this round it will choose the gift also. The possible gifts for this contest will be 1) An adjustable ring made of recycled wine cork and sterling silver plated brass with a bicycle on it;
OR 2) A grab bag of random stuff. It includes some bicycle-relevant stickers, a pair of "Coloradical" 80s-style sunglasses, a mood-sensing paper fish, and a light that can be attached to ones head for biking or other purposes;
OR 3) A pair of hair pins that are bicycle themed.
Part of the fun will be not knowing what the gift is until the end of this giveaway.
The winner will receive one of the three prizes - whichever is pulled for the number one position. The two that remain will be put back in the gift pool for future giveaways. For male readers, I know that two of these potential gifts might be perceived as a tad feminine, but if you were to win a more girly gift that doesn't suit you, there is the possibility of gifting it to a female in your life. There is no rule stating that the winner cannot select another individual to receive the gift (nor that a male cannot own something feminine), so I hope you'll still consider playing along. Any of these could make great stocking stuffers too!

If you'd like to participate in this giveaway, here is all you'll need to do:  In the comments, please state your favorite city for winter-time vacationing and, if you'd like (though not a requirement) why you love it. This contest opens now and will run until Friday, December 9, 2011 at 7 p.m. MST. The comment submission form will serve as the time stamp indicator, and all entries received after the cutoff point will not be part of the gift selection. As with all of the giveaways, if you haven't read the official rules, please do so by clicking here. Also, as a reminder, Giveaway #2 is still under way, so don't forget to enter that one as well.


  1. I haven't done a lot of winter vacationing, but right now I'd like to visit Boone, NC (where I went to college). Currently living in Southern California makes me miss the snow/general weather dearly, and Boone is really a great small mountain town with great people. I miss curling up with tea, a book, and a fire, and watching the snow fall outside (I'm going to ignore the memories of digging out my car or walking through gale force winds, and just remember the good winter moments right now). Sigh...

  2. Quebec City-the old city is magical this time of year. Where else can you go in No. America and experience a small piece of 400-year old France?!

  3. Key West. I'm not particularily fond of cold weather and love the easy, relaxed atmosphere of the Keys. It's easy to travel around on bikes and perfectly flat. And oh, did I mention the warm weather!

  4. David Dern, my winter vacation city is also Québec, but this year there's no snow yet so half the magic is missing. I guess you know this place:

  5. I don't think I've ever taken a winter vacation specifically. I get two weeks off for the holidays, and I'm happy to spend it in my home city of Portland. Lately, my drive to work has been especially beautiful - bare tree branches rising up out of the fog toward velvety gray skies. Bright red and green street lights add a holiday flair. Although I dream of traveling somewhere snowy - Germany, Switzerland, or Sweden, I'm pretty happy right here.


I believe that comment issues when posting have been resolved; however, I recommend copying your comment before sending it through to make sure that Blogger doesn't eat your comment. If you still have problems, please feel free to email your comment and I will gladly post it for you either with your name or anonymously (whichever you prefer). Thank you.