
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Love Your Body Day

One of the winning 2011 posters
*Image from Love Your Body
Today is Love Your Body Day, and as someone who has often wished to be someone else or wished to have another persons body rather than my own, I connect quite strongly with the poster above. I am very fortunate to have a partner in life who loves me the way that I am, and just wants me to always be happy and content with who I am (as we all should be). It's easy to get caught up in what we think we should look like, but I appreciate what the Now Foundation spreads in their message of loving who we are now, today. Every day women are some of the most beautiful people I know, and because I know so many beautiful women who are all different heights, sizes, and from various places in the world, I just want to wish all of you a very happy Love Your Body day. I hope you'll spread the love to all the beautiful people you know as well.

1 comment:

  1. If your partner and those who know and love you accept you as you are, why can't you.
    Love who you are and be proud of it.


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