
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bicycle Obsession

How do you know when you've become too "in to" bicycles? Perhaps a good indicator is when loved ones start bringing home bicycle-related paraphernalia (paintings, pictures, posters, etc).
Copper coated bicycle sculpture
I also love this ghostly image of the sculpture...almost makes him seem in motion!
I absolutely adore this bicycle sculpture, and it was a lovely surprise gift to receive for no particular reason. I have to admit though, it did cause me to ask myself, "Where is the line between obsession and enjoyment?" Do you find that others seek out bicycle "stuff" to give you, or do you find them saying things like, "Oh, I saw the cutest little bike {fill-in-the-blank} and thought of you" on a regular basis? I'm just wondering if I'm alone in this.


  1. Ohhh!! I love that! I love the motion and lines. Very cool piece of art! Oh and I don't think it matters as long as you're enjoying your obsession, who cares. ;o)

  2. I agree... and the obsession carries on, it seems! :O)

  3. I was searching the net for an interesting bike sculpture when I came across the picture on your blog. What a great piece! Would you be able to tell me where I could purchase a similar sculpture?

  4. Alex,
    I wish I could help you out, but it was actually a gift I received. If I were looking for sculptures like this though, I would try Etsy, or perhaps even local art locations (fairs, shows, etc). I'll see if I can find a better answer for you from the gift giver. :O)

  5. Thanks G.E. I did check Etsy and others but no luck. The piece looks more like an art gallery object. The name of the artist may be on the bottom of the base? Or if the gift-giver can point me to the shop where he bought it? Any clue you can get for me would help. Thanks very much!!

  6. No name on the sculpture, but it came from a surprising (at least to me) place - Hobby Lobby! Go figure?!

  7. That's great G.E. Thanks so much for looking into this for me.


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