
Friday, July 1, 2011

Discount/Sale on Po Campo Products {July 5 - July 12 ONLY} through

In this day and age, it sometimes feels as though we get overwhelmed by advertisers and their advertisements. Somewhat frequently, I receive requests to post information about a product, service, or website, and I'm not always entirely comfortable with the idea (which is why I generally don't do this). While I don't consider myself a role model for others to follow, I would hate to guide someone to something that I am not on board with supporting.
**Image from materials
That said, recently I was contacted by (the company is owned/operated by women, and based out of Salt Lake City). If you haven't heard of the company, basically they have a website that features products for use in outdoor activities at discounted prices, for a limited length of time. I was a bit skeptical initially because when you arrive at the home page, you must sign up for "membership" with them prior to seeing what the site has to offer. It was explained to me in this manner: "Membership is free and I know it sounds like a pain, but it is SOOO much more convenient than all the other sites like us. You don't have to sit around and wait for an invitation or go get a confirmation email. You just have to create a password--membership keeps track of the credit you have on, your orders progress, and it gives you a weekly email letting you know what the new sale is (which you can unsubscribe to when you want)."
**Image from materials
Fair enough. I love that the company was founded with two core values: "giving discounts and giving back." My favorite part about it is that for every purchase made on, buyers help to fund local non-profits for the environment through the 1% for the planet organization. It doesn't hurt either that you could potentially save up to 50% off prices through their limited time offers. Another benefit to purchasers is that the "invite/referral policy is great; it's to make it NOT annoying but VERY helpful to friends that you invite. It gives your friends an automatic $10 credit to use on their first purchase of $50 or more, and gives you a $10 credit when they do."
**Image from materials
Why now? Well, I am personally in love with Po Campo products, and when I heard that would be featuring these products during the week of July 5 - July 12, I had to pass on the news to others who would perhaps benefit from this as well. I know I'll be checking it out, and hopefully others will do the same. If you've been waiting to buy a bag/accessory for your bike, this could be a good time to take a look.  And, lest the guys feel like they are being left out, will be featuring a Club Ride sale for men, the following week (things like vintage inspired biking shirts are planned to be part of that week). Sounds like a potentially good deal to me: buy something you need/want, and save some money!

**Disclaimer: I am not being paid in any form to post this information, but simply thought others might benefit from the potential savings - both now and down the line. I have no personal relationship with, nor do I benefit in any way by having people visit their website.**


  1. Thanks for this info! I love Po Campo also, but could never quite justify the expense. This might be the time to finally get something :)

  2. Glad to hear it's helpful/useful info, Traci. When I saw Po Campo was coming up, I couldn't help but spread the word. :o)


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