
Monday, April 18, 2011

Proof That I'm Not Dead

For anyone who might be wondering, I am in fact, still alive... and here is proof with the only means of photo capturing I can find at the moment, since life is still piled in boxes.
I'm not sure what that look is... smirk? smile? I am definitely tired though.
I feel dead, but beyond that, the move went well over the weekend, and I am pleased to report that we have some fabulous new neighbors. We spent about 20 hours Saturday moving (with the help of some wonderful friends - thanks all!), and another 12 or so hours on Sunday moving stuff by ourselves. Who knew two people and three dogs could have so much stuff?!

Today, I skipped classes as I could barely stand, let alone walk anywhere, and I was unable to get any school work done over the weekend, so instead, I stayed home and attempted to unpack some of the "stuff."
Just a few of the many, many boxes
While I'd prefer not to miss classes, I felt I didn't have much of a choice today. I did have the opportunity to work on some school work today, so I hope that sort of made up for my decision.  My apologies for the horrid pictures, but the camera phone is it until I find my "real" camera which is apparently still hiding in the depths of the maze of boxes.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely insane "death race" of a move/weekend, that still seems to be rolling! I still can't figure out why the neighbors are so nice? It's great though, but now there's no excuse for me to be an ass!


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