
Contact Info

If you were looking around and happened to have a thought or idea that you believe I'd have interest in hearing about or discussing, or you simply don't want to post a reply to anything, please feel free to drop me a note via e-mail. You can reach me at EndlessVeloLove {at} (be sure to replace the words with the symbol, and take out spaces), and I can usually get back with you pretty quickly.  I'm always up for chatting with new (or currently known to me) people, discussing the weather, having debates about bicycles, hearing stories about animals, learning about new artists or possible exhibition spots, or pretty much anything from the mildly amusing to the utterly interesting. 

As a side note: I do not have need for guest or ghost writers, nor am I interested in advertising products. Any emails in this vein will go unanswered. Thank you for understanding.

Creative Commons License
Endless Velo Love content by G.E. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at